About Me
- Name: Martin Livermore
- Location: Cambridge, United Kingdom
I work as an independent consultant in the science communication and policy areas. My clients come mainly from the private sector, with a current emphasis on agriculture and the food supply chain. I'm keenly interested in promoting a rational, evidence-based approach to decision making. That doesn't mean that there's only one right answer to any question: people's interpretation of the same facts will vary. But I do believe that facts are facts and that we can all be objective, no matter what our beliefs or who we work for.
- Google News
- Scientific Alliance
- Natural Resources Institute
- FARM-Africa
- Rothamsted Research
- Out of Step blog Site Feed - Atom
A forum for people interested in promoting rational choices in agriculture. There are no simple answers, but people in all parts of the world should be free to choose the best combination of seed technology, crop protection and management for their needs.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
GM for all
Making such tools available to countries with food security problems, particularly those by-passed by the green revolution, is another positive step in lifting people out of poverty.